
Spaced Out is Australia’s first LGBTIQA+ science fiction group for fans who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, queer or those that support the rainbow community. We are based in Melbourne but welcome all SciFi fans from around Australia and the world. We regularly meet for movies, conventions, book discussions and love to dress in our favourite cosplay costumes for Melbourne’s yearly Midsumma Pride March. Our main point of contact is via our Facebook group but also accept emails.

Countdown to the future
our Ten-Point Charter

10We celebrate the diversity of people across all cultures, races, genders and sexual orientations, and we support equality for all; 
9We recognise that we experience the problems of ‘invisibility’ and intolerance that are faced by many so-called ‘minority groups’ in society;
8We feel that science fiction provides a forum for us to express our individuality and creativity through the varied forms of speculative fiction;
7We wish to be acknowledged as having a place in humanity’s future and we hope to raise the profile of our community amongst other forward-thinking people;
6We recognise that all people have unique gifts and abilities and we encourage them to share their individual talents with others for the benefit of all;
5We wish to participate in the building of a better world and we see science fiction as a means to suggest positive alternative futures;
4We recognise that science fiction is a fun and popular medium and we no longer wish to be excluded from its fiction, art, cyberworlds or other creative forms;
3We feel that we are rarely recognised or sufficiently acknowledged as members of the science fiction community and seek to redress that imbalance;
2We want to challenge those who promote peaceful dialogue between humans and aliens to do likewise with those who may be seen as ‘alien’ or ‘different’ within the human race;
1We want to have FUN and make new friends. 
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